22 May 2015

The City of Melbourne draft Annual Plan and Budget for 2015-16 has been released for public consultation.

There are some great outcomes in the draft Annual Plan and Budget which, like the 2013-14 and 2014-15 Annual Plans and Budgets, implement Greens City of Melbourne Policies and deliver on Greens election promises.

Highlights of Greens policy implementation include:

City of Melbourne Annual Plan and Budget 2015-16 Greens Policy
$6.8 million to create new and better parks and open spaces in the City, including works starting on a new large linear park in Southbank down half of the existing Southbank Boulevard corridor, and the completion of the new park adjacent Kensington Station instigated by Cr Leppert, as well as the two expanded parks in West Melbourne (Hawke/Adderley Streets and Railway Place reserve). Planning Goal 1
$1.475 million to plant 3,000 new trees. Environmental Sustainability Goal 5
$800,000 to pull forward two years of planned funding for solar arrays on all major Council buildings. Environmental Sustainability Goal 1
$2.5 million for bicycle lanes, including major new west-east routes such as new lanes the full length of Arden Street, Epsom Road and Smithfield Road, and upgrades to Royal Parade lanes, and more. Transport Key Priorities 13 & 15
Implementation of the streetscape master plan for Elizabeth Street between Flinders and La Trobe Streets, which will integrate with the need to divert some tram routes from Swanston to Elizabeth Streets to cater for Melbourne Metro. Transport Key Priority 9
$1.43 million for new flood mitigation works. Environmental Sustainability
Completion of the planning scheme amendment to recognise the heritage value of the Palace Theatre. Planning
$1.6 million to rollout LED Street Lighting. Environmental Sustainability
Further expansion of smoke free public spaces. Community Wellbeing and Safety Key Priority 12


The full draft Annual Plan and Budget is here, along with various summary literature.

Public submissions on the Annual Plan and Budget are accepted until 5 June 2015. Please contact your Councillors or make a direct submission on the Annual Plan and Budget – there is still plenty of scope for amendment.