Introducing HOMES MELBOURNE… and celebrating the implementation of our Melbourne City Greens “Homes For Everyone” policy launched in October 2020!

In the lead up to the 2020 Council elections, the Greens pledged the creation of a Melbourne Housing Office, to:

1. Manage affordable housing and cash-equivalent contributions from development.
2. Select affordable housing providers for Council’s own affordable housing projects.
3. Advise developers on how to plan, build and select affordable housing providers.
4. Oversee all formal affordable housing agreements.
5. Oversee and advise on Council’s affordable housing strategy and policies.

The City of Melbourne Affordable Housing Strategy 2030 was adopted at the end of last year, progressing the idea of a Melbourne Housing Office.

Working with Deputy Lord Mayor Nicholas Reece and aligning our policy commitments, we included in Council’s 4-year Plan:

1. A strategic objective for Access and Affordability.
2. A target for new social housing units on Council land on affordable housing demonstration sites (in addition to those already committed at Boyd and Munro) of at least 100.
3. A major initiative to create HOMES MELBOURNE: “to coordinate and facilitate more affordable housing for key workers and people on low-incomes and progress a demonstration project on Council-owned land, support the Make Room accommodation project and new homeless support hubs for vulnerable citizens to access essential support services including food, showers, lockers, information, and housing and homelessness advice.”

And here we are! HOMES MELBOURNE has been created, and its inaugural CEO will be the formidable City of Yarra CEO Vijaya Vaidyanath.

VJ’s leadership in Victoria’s local government sector is well known. She has led Yarra’s administration since 2012 and before that was CEO of Local Councils in New Zealand. She worked for the Reserve Bank of India before moving to New Zealand and shifting from banking to local government. She is now a valued member of many Victorian Government and not for profit boards. Clearly VJ comes with expertise in development finance, in navigating local and Victorian government policy and politics, and in board-driven shifts towards corporate social responsibility.

VJ will finish up as Yarra CEO towards the end of this year and will take up the position of Homes Melbourne CEO in early 2022. Greens Mayor of Yarra Gabrielle de Vietri has celebrated VJ’s achievements as Yarra CEO in announcing the move from Yarra to Melbourne.

HOMES MELBOURNE is of course just one part of Council’s approach to making Melbourne more affordable for everyone. Our advocacy to the State on public housing and inclusionary zoning continues. But today is a good day: HOMES MELBOURNE is here!

Vijaya Vaidyanath